Mecca to Jeddah Train

Are you considering taking the train from Mecca to Jeddah? Use the Haramain High-Speed Train to quickly explore these beautiful Arabian cities! Without further delay, purchase your train tickets from Mecca to Jeddah today. Get on the Haramain train as soon as you can to enjoy the ease of fast transportation.​

Train from Mecca to Jeddah

78 km
Travel time

Travel time

35 m

Trains per day

Trains per day


Now that the holy towns of Mecca and Jeddah are connected by the fast Haramain train, tourists may enjoy the splendor of Saudi Arabia's countryside. Less than an hour will pass before you reach your destination without stress.

Enjoy the modern facilities onboard the Haramain train and use the convenient features like free Wi-Fi, power outlets, wide leg room, comfortable reclining seats, and even dining options in the dining car.

There are about 15 daily departures, with the earliest train leaving Mecca after midnight at 00:55 and the latest train leaving at 11:55 before midnight. To suit your travel requirements, pick from a first or economy class that each provides excellent facilities. Book your tickets in advance and travel with ease.
  • Train on the route:
    Only one type of train operates on this route - Haramain high-speed train reaching a max speed of 300km/h
  • Average ticket price:
    ​Train ticket prices start at 25 USD. The price depends on how in advance you reserve your ticket and if there are any local celebrations taking place
  • Where to purchase tickets:
    ​You can purchase tickets via global train ticket reservation system Rail.Ninja
  • Important to know:
    ​You must adhere to the traditions of KSA and dress appropriately for your journey

Train Information for Mecca to Jeddah

The following information about train stations will help you plan your journey smoothly from Mecca to Jeddah

Mecca Station

Al Rasaifah, Ar Rusayfah, 24232, Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Jeddah Station

Abu Dhar Al Ghafari Street, Al Sulaymaniyah, Jeddah 23236, Saudi Arabia

What to Know About Mecca - Jeddah Train

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