Mecca Train Station

Adress: Al Rasaifah, Ar Rusayfah, Mecca 24232, Saudi Arabia

About the Train Station in Mecca

Traveling to Mecca? Check the Mecca Train Station, also known as Makkah Railway Station. This modern transportation hub connects Mecca to major cities like Jeddah, Medina, and Riyadh. The station offers a range of services including a spacious waiting area, ticket counters, baggage handling, and prayer rooms. Additionally, the station features energy-efficient lighting and ventilation systems, and a dedicated platform for the Haramain High-Speed Railway. This high-speed train service offers a fast and efficient connection between Mecca and Medina, making your journey comfortable and convenient.

Mecca Train Station Info

Facilities at the station: ​​

  • Spacious waiting area
  • Ticket counters
  • Baggage handling services
  • Prayer rooms
  • Refreshment facilities
  • Information desk
  • Restrooms
  • ATM machines
  • Wi-Fi access
  • Lost and found counter
  • Medical assistance
  • Car parking area
  • Taxi stand
  • Dedicated platform for the Haramain High-Speed Railway
  • Energy-efficient lighting and ventilation systems
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